Concern believes in a world where no-one lives in poverty, fear or oppression; where all have access to a decent standard of living and the opportunities and choices essential to a long, healthy and creative life; a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Its mission is to help people living in absolute poverty achieve major improvements in their lives which last and spread without ongoing support from Concern.
To this end Concern works with the poor themselves and with local and international partners who share its vision to create just and peaceful societies where the poor can exercise their fundamental rights.
Concern has worked in many of the poorest countries in Africa and Asia in both long-term development and emergency projects. Today Concern is working in 26 countries.
Concern obtains resources from public donations, from governments and from intergovernmental and voluntary bodies. It seeks to retain autonomy in decision-making and to avoid over-complex administration. It avoids becoming become over dependent on any single source of income. Concern welcomes and encourages appropriate donations of goods and services.