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No. 12 - 2005/2006

  1. Introduction....Michael McShane
  2. A Short History of the Jackson Charitable Trust, Forkill 1789 - 2006.....Gerald Lenox Cunningham and Mervyn Kingston
    • The origin and development of a 200 year old trust, with extracts from the Minutes and a full list of the Trustees since its inception.

  3. Dorsey National School: the first 30 years: 1832 to 1862.....Kieran McConville
    • A description of the new national education system introduced in 1831 and its early years, which covered the period of the Great Famine, in one local school

  4. Tullyvallen National School Records.....Kevin McMahon
    • Extracts from copies of the school register (the originals were destroyed) from 1872 to 1941.

  5. Cregganduff (Black Creggan - A Townland).....Michael McShane
    • Wide sweeping article about the people who lived in the townland (taken from census and valuation lists, rentals, school registers) and about a short-lived mining industry.

  6. Fr. Lennon and the Tenant League.....Len Gourd
    • The efforts of a local parish priest in helping the effort to reform land tenure in Ireland.

  7. The search for missing friends.....
    • Messages placed in the Boston Pilot by Creggan Parish Immigrants 1846 - 1876

  8. My time in Maynooth.....Very Rev'd Patrick McGuckin PP
    • Recollections of seven years training for the priesthood.

  9. Ecumenical Service in Creggan Parish Church, Sunday 11 September 2005
    • Preacher: Very Rev'd Sandra Pragnell, Rector of Creggan

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